Scientific presentations in no-project events

20-21 October 2022: Rossana Palladino and Angela Festa took part in the Conference “La conflictualité dans l’UE: menace existentielle ou catalyseur d’intégration?” – Colloque de lancement Chaire européenne Jean Monnet ProValUE sur la promotion et la préservation des valeurs de l’Union européenne, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Program Video Video

9 November 2022: Angela Di Stasi held the lecture “Internal Security: Cross-border fight against organized crime and terrorism: the European Union’s contribution supporting Member States” within the Jean Monnet Module EU CREW – European Citizenship and Rule of Law. Promoting our way of life, University of Messina. Flyer

17 November 2022: Rossana Palladino, Angela Di Stasi, and Francesco Buonomenna took their speeches in the Conference on Asylum and Migration Law “Asilo e immigrazione tra tentativi di riforma e supplenza dei giudici. Un bilancio quinquennale”, ADiM/Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Integration of Migrants in Europe (IntoME), Viterbo, University of Tuscia. Program Videos

25 November 2022: Angela Di Stasi, Teresa Russo, Anna Iermano, Angela Festa, and Giovanna Naddeo took part in the Conference “Being a Woman in Teheran. Interdisciplinary legal perspectives in dialogue with students”, organized on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, University of Salerno. Program

30 November 2022: Giovanna Naddeo held a Laboratory on “Democratic Participation and Digital Tools” within the Network Meeting on the European Year of Youth 2022 – European Documentation Centre Unisa. Program

15 February 2023: Anna Iermano took a speech on the principle of transparency in the EU Law, at the Conference “La pianificazione anticorruzione. Gli elementi essenziali della trasparenza nei procedimenti della pubblica amministrazione”, Mercato S. Severino. Flyer

23 February 2023: Rossana Palladino held the lecture “Acquisition and Loss of European Citizenship” within the Jean Monnet Module EU CREW – European Citizenship and Rule of Law. Promoting our way of life, University of Messina. Flyer

24 March 2023: Rossana Palladino held the lecture “Return Directive: Jurisprudential Orientations and Regulatory Trends” within the Jean Monnet Chair Euvalweb “Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession”, University of Salerno. Flyer Presentation

8 May 2023: Angela Di Stasi took a speech on ‘European Citizenship under stress and National Citizenship under evolution: between old and new ‘frontiers” at the Conference ‘Strengthen European Union through European Citizenship and the Rule of Law’, 8-9 May 2023, Jean Monnet Module EU CREW – European Citizenship and Rule of Law. Promoting our way of life, University of Messina. Flyer

30 June 2023: Giovanna Naddeo gave a speech on “Sexual violence as a weapon of war and fighting impunity in the current conflict in Ukraine” at the Second Annual Seminar of the Italian Association of Comparative and European Public Law, University “G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara. Flyer

28 September 2023: Angela Di Stasi took part to the Conference “I diritti delle persone negli ordinamenti sovranazionali” at the University of Bergamo, giving a lecture on the legal status of individual in International Law, with specific regard to right of individual application to the European Court of Human Rights. Flyer

13 October 2023: Anna Iermano gave a presentation on “The Russian-Ukrainian conflict and international criminal justice between limits and proposals” at the I-CONS IV Annual Conference, University “Bocconi” of Milan. Flyer

30 October 2023: Rossana Palladino and Anna Iermano discussed about Sustainable Development and legal measures between International Law and European Union Law at the Conference “Le sfide della sostenibilità e la cooperazione internazionale in uno scenario globale”, University of Salerno. Flyer

17 November 2023: Rossana Palladino took part in the Conference “European Citizenship through the Lens of EU’s Common Values”, promoted by the Jean Monnet ProValUE sur la promotion et la préservation des valeurs de l’Union européenne, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Program Video

24 November 2023: Maria Eugenia Bartoloni took part in the Conference “La protezione e promozione dei valori fondanti dell’Unione europea: strumenti, questioni, prospettive”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Program

17 March 2024: Francesco Buonomenna gave a lecture on “EU Citizenship and Transnational Crime” within the JM Module EU-Gobact, University of Salerno. Flyer

23 April 2024: Anna Iermano took part in the Conference “Internet: opportunità o rischio per la democrazia?”, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma.

16 May 2024: Maria Eugenia Bartoloni took an Introductory Speech at the Conference “The European Union’s Reaction to the Russian War against Ukraine through the Lens of European Value”, Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Flyer

26 September 2024: Angela Di Stasi gave a speech on “The ‘dynamism’ of the notion of European Citizenship between old and new ‘frontieres” at Conference “The European Union as a Community of Values”, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”. Flyer